Monday, May 3, 2010

The meaning of Psalm 1-3-9

Whether or not you believe in God, most of you would agree that the human body is a miraculous in its very form, from birth to death. The capabilities of the human mind and body are beyond comprehension.  (Watch Cirque de Soleil or think about Mr. Albert Einstein just to scratch the surface of the capabilities of the human mind and body). Our bodies are so intelligent! We are made up of millions of cells working together which somehow breathe us into existence.  Our bodies are so complex, yet what they require of us at a bare minimum is very simple.

Yet over the centuries, our bodies have not changed but the world which we live in has changed greatly, most of these changes occurring post WWII.

We are no longer eating as we were designed. Ingredient lists changed from words a Kindergartner would know to a long list of nearly unpronounceable chemicals (I work for a food packaging company, trust me, I've read an ingredient list or two). We are filling our bodies with the "idea" of food.

Our society on average does not give the body the sleep in needs. Sadly, much of society even depends on sleep aids. Most Americans don't really know what "leisure" is anymore. We're always so rushed to make plans. We even make plans to not make plans (I am guilty of this). And even when we do relax, it is more " vegging out" in front of the television—TV, movies, video games, etc. (I am also guilty of a little of that). We don't rest, and we certainly don't learn as much as we used to. With the internet, there is almost no need to learn information anymore, just how to find that information.

Our bodies were meant to work. We used to move a lot more than we do now in modern society. We drive to work. Drive up the street. Most of us sit on our butts for 8 hours a day, only walking to the printer and back (or is that just me?). We order food out, we have dishwashers. Everything is so automatic that we only break a sweat if we make the effort to work out (or maybe if you live in the South and can break a sweat in the summertime walking 10 feet to your car).

If you've gotten through all that, I'm proud of you. Maybe there's hope yet! My point in all the wordiness is: you don't have to be Christian or even believe in God to recognize that our bodies are miracles. They just are. And we are far removed from how our bodies were created to live and how they now function in our highly modernized and technological world.

Regardless of your beliefs, my inspiration for this blog is based on my faith in God and the amazing work he has done and is doing in my life. King David wrote in the Psalms praising God for His wonderful care in creating Him:

Psalm 139:13-14 says
 13 For you created my inmost being;
       you knit me together in my mother's womb.
 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
       your works are wonderful,
       I know that full well.

The Bible says that God knew us before we were even created, and the verse above reminds me of the great care he took to create us. He has given us life! I feel it is only fair that I treat my body with as much care as He did in creating me. If you are not Christian and you are reading this, you will at least be able to identify with the fact that we have been given an amazing gift, and we should take care of what we have been given. That is my belief, and that is why I am writing this blog. It is my hope that I will inform and inspire readers, but my ultimate goal is that I may glorify God in my body.